Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Adventures Of Prince Achmed

The Adventures Of Prince Achmed is a French film from 1926, and the earliest surviving feature-length animated film (there were two other Argentine animated features produced before this one, but they have been lost). It was made by photographing figures made from cut black paper. It is a beautiful piece and is all the more impressive given just how early in the history of film that it was made. It is a silent film, with only text and a musical score to accent the visuals, so if you don't have much of an attention span, you may find yourself unable to watch the entire film, but give it a looksee all the same. It is absolutely gorgeous, and certainly apropos to what we are doing in class.


  1. This is so cool, makes me want to create some kind of animation in the same way. I loved the horse! I just posted a video clip I was experimenting with on my blog. Did you get the link I emailed for it? (I just made a new email account so hopefully it worked)

  2. Yes, I got it. It's over there in the links now. Sorry about that delay.
