Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Welcome back everyone. I hope that your spring break went well and that you were able to enjoy the company of family and friends. If travel wasn't possible for you, I hope that at least you were able to make the most of your time during what I am sure was a much-need break from the grind if nothing else.

We are getting down to the wire now. The first half of the semester is gone, and we have six more weeks of class before you turn in your portfolios on May 5. THAT'S IT! Where is the semester going? Doesn't it seem like just yesterday you were giving your muscles a workout erasing through layers of charcoal, making a mess all over the studio and your home, and picking black boogers out of your nose? I should hope that you feel your work is far more confident now. And hopefully you see why it was important to START there before moving on to more advanced drawings rather than diving straight in without any scuba gear.

So, then, allow me to give you a few quick reminders here so you can be ready for what's coming up:

1. Don't forget that April 26 is the final day to turn in any assignments you have reworked for the possibility of a better grade. I know that seems like forever away, but you'd be surprised how quickly it can sneak up on you. That day I will accept any reworked assignment from any point in the semester, but I will NOT accept late drawings that weren't turned in on the date they were originally due. I don't have the time nor patience to grade, in addition to the reworked assignments, a bunch of drawings that were due weeks ago that you never turned in. This isn't make-up time. This is a final-shot chance to improve your grade through good, honest, hard work. So, don't let it just pass you by.

2. Make sure to have the correct materials for class each day. PLEASE DO NOT RAID THE STORE RIGHT BEFORE CLASS. Both groups have done a wonderful job of this so far this semester. So, this isn't really meant as a scolding. I just make sure to always give this gentle reminder at midterm every semester.

3. Remember that we have an assignment coming up in which you will create a drawing based on a portrait photo of an anonymous person. We will talk about it more in class this week, but if you haven't begun looking for possible images, you need to get moving.

4. On the whole, both groups have been progressing impressively well. So, as we proceed into the second half of the semester, please keep up (or even improve) the work ethic I've seen so far and don't slack. If you do that, you may find yourself, by the end of this class accomplishing things that will surprise even you.

So, again, welcome back! Now, let's get back to work!

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