Thursday, January 27, 2011

Some Of My Own Charcoal Work

Please don't think that I'm posting these as a means of bragging or trying to impress you. I hardly see these drawings as brilliant masterpieces by any means. It just happened to occur to me, as I was looking at charcoal covered hands, faces, arms, clothing, and even feet, that back in grad school, while I was still working on my series of drawings based on Myspace photos, I experimented for a short while with doing some of them in charcoal. As a result, I came out of my studio on a daily basis with every inch of exposed skin covered in a coating of black dust. Consider that each of these drawings was on a sheet of 38"x50" paper. I had a long pile of charcoal powder along the baseboard of the wall where these drawings were pinned. AND, yes, the black boogers wouldn't quit. I just thought I'd share a few of them to show that I can (and do) sympathize. Maybe you can get a chuckle out of these crappy drawings, as well.

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