Monday, January 17, 2011


Alright folks, this is where we begin. If you are reading this, then I trust you have followed the directions I gave you and have established your own class blog. Please DO NOT forget to e-mail me the url address of your blog. I will be placing links to everyone's blogs in the "Student Blogs" section to the right. This will allow everyone to more easily locate your information and provide a central hub from which all of the blogs can be accessed. It would be best if I had your url BEFORE THURSDAY so that I can actually see everyone's blogs before class.

Your class blog is an important part of the workload in this class. I personally feel that technology is such an integral and all-encompassing aspect of our lives, careers, and even social interactions, that to deny its influence--even when studying an institution as old and traditional as drawing--is ridiculous. Therefore, this blog counts as a percentage of your grade in this class. A small percentage, to be sure, but enough to push a plus or minus behind a letter grade. So, a good blog could be that one deciding factor that pushes your final course grade from, for example, a C+ to a B. So, please don't neglect it.

Don't forget to enter your first post. Make sure to blog a little bit about what you have come to MCA for. What is your major? What attracted you to MCA? What do you want to do in the future once you have received your degree? Etc.

Also, don't forget to attach a pocket in the back of your sketchbook like the one in the following example:

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